przez Dagi » 25 sty 2014, 12:03
Cytuję dla tych, którzy nie mają FB
Ma ktos pomysl na cudowne ocalenie tego biednego psa??
Raport szkoleniowca u którego Tajfunek byl szkolony po przeniesieniu z DSPCA: ... sp=sharing
I raport pana behawiorysty Stephensa: ... sp=sharing
Tekst petycji, którą bardzo prosimy wysylac drogą mailową do irlandzkiego ministerstwa środowiska:
adresy mailowe, na które należy słać poniższy tekst petycji:
Tytul maila: Appeal to save innocent life of "Typhoon"
To: Minister Phil Hogan, T.D
Dear Sir
May we bring to your attention an on-going issue which has outraged a great number of people, including Polish citizens living in both Poland and Ireland. On behalf of Mrs Ursula Gralczyk we ask for the release of her dog "Typhoon", who, due to the mistakes made by the people to whom he was entrusted, is soon to be put to sleep. This case has been in newspapers, both local and national.
Should you be unfamiliar with the particulars, may we offer a brief account of events:
- "Typhoon", is an American Akita owned by Mrs Ursula Gralczyk who resides in Carlow, Ireland. On 22nd June 2013, Mrs Gralczyk met her neighbour whilst walking her dog. The exact details are unclear, but the dog, "Typhoon", bit the neighbour who was known to them both. The local authorities immediately decided that the dog was to be put down, to which the owner categorically disagreed. Mrs Gralczyk, coming from another European country did not fully understand the laws and by-laws of Ireland.
If this had happened to an Irish citizen they may have had more understanding of the laws and would have been a little more calculated in their response. Had such a situation happened in other European countries, the dog is taken for assessment by a professional animal behaviourist. The dog would be under observation in various situations and scrutinised for any sign of aggressive or anti-social behaviour. Mrs Gralczyk was under the impression that a similar practise was observed in Ireland and had no idea that laws and local by-laws could be so severe.
Under the stress of the situation, she made some rash decisions which she was convinced would save her dog from being put down. After the court case took place, "Typhoon" was placed in the care of the DSPCA (at the owners expense and with the judge’s approval). These specialists evaluated the dog and assessed that he posed no threat. As a precaution they kept him away from all the other animals already at the DSPCA, as he was a large dog and had a history as a result of the above biting incident.
We have no precise details of what happened next, but despite all the precautions the DSPCA put in place, "Typhoon" was taken out for a walk without a muzzle. The untrained DSPCA employee who took him, found herself in a place where another large male dog had been left, a Rottweiler. Unfortunately, a fight ensued and the DSPCA employee in whose charge "Typhoon" was in tried to separate the two dogs, alone. Getting between the fighting dogs, she suffered from a minor injury when taking into account the dangerous situation she put herself into. After this incident, "Typhoon" was moved to another secure location and again the decision to put him down was upheld. Mrs Gralczyk obviously still wants to have this decision quashed and is preparing to take this matter further through the courts.
We, the people, appeal to you:
- We understand that the laws and by-laws of Ireland say that an aggressive dog be put to sleep. However, in defence of "Typhoon", there has been a number of errors where he has been placed into a situation which could only have a volatile end. All these mistakes were made by people who were supposed to be responsible, not the dog - animals do not make their own decisions on where they are taken for their walk.
We request, on behalf of Mrs Gralczyk that a reliable specialist be allowed to assess "Typhoon". As mentioned, this is common practice in many European countries, and should there be any anti-social behaviour, the dog can be retrained with appropriate behaviour. "Typhoon" has never had any professional training or schooling and it is possible that this is why he is unable to behave appropriately in certain situations. He is still a young dog and even serious problems can be corrected and/or eliminated, making the dog an obedient and good human companion. This will only be possible if you hear our appeal and act swiftly to bring "Typhoon" out of danger and to an appropriate behaviourist.
Sir, please consider our appeal. We trust in your knowledge of the law of this country and your compassion for a Polish woman who has unwittingly found herself on the wrong side of the law. Mrs Gralczyk has been thrust into a situation in a foreign country, with a different legal system, and despite everything that has happened, her best friend "Typhoon", should not be the one to be punished for the mistakes made by people. And the price should not be his life.
Thank you for taking the time to read our appeal and we trust that you will be instrumental in helping us with a fast and fair outcome.
Yours Sincerely
[tu podpisujemy sie swoim imieniem i nazwiskiem, miejscowosc, kraj]
ten sam tekst mozna tez wyslac w wiadomosci priv. przez Facebook, strona ministra:
Przez dlugie trzy miesiáce nie mozna bylo pisac nic o szczególach sprawy bo tak nakazal sád. Slowa dotrzymalismy, zadne informacje o przebiegu sprawy nie byly podawane az do wczorajszego wyroku, który I tak nie wziál pod uwagé ani lojalnosci ani kilku waznych faktów:
1."eksperci" wystawiajácy raporty za eutanazjá psa miely byc niezalezni... nie byli, bo sá równoczesnie zleceniobiorcami kogo? oskarzyciela posilkowego: DSPCA
2. Raport p. Stephensa, który mieszka 200m od DSPCA I regularnie wspólpracuje z tym osrodkiem zostal zmieniony na potrzeby drugiej rozprawy! usuniéto zdania niewygodne dla DSPCA, nie wspomina sie oczywiswcie o incydencie pogryzienia psa w osrodku z ich winy, zmieniono skalé pogryzienia kobiety z 4 na 5 I dodano zdanie o koniecznosci uspienia psa, bo nie rokuje na poprawé. Pan który psa widzial pol godziny tak napisal.
3. Nikt nie widzial zadnych dokumentów w zwiázku z tajemniczym incydentem w DSPCA, gdzie Tajfun ponoc zaatakowal I pogryzl drugiego psa oraz opiekuna (pomijajác fakt niekompetencji osrodka, ze wypuscil wolontariuszké z psem bez kaganca I na ten sam wybieg gdzie drugi niby niebezpieczny samiec...). Nie wiemy czy to w ogóle mialo miejsce, osoby poinformowane o samym incydencie mówiá w niejednoznaczny sposób, fakty co jakis czas majá inne wersje, zmieniajá szczególy, matrix.).
4. Osobá któa najlepiej poznala psa bo codziennie pracowala z nim przez 3,5 miesiáca byl Henry z Top Dog I on wydal zupelnie odmienná od wszystkich opinié, ze pies jest normalny, posluszny I jak najbardziej nadale sie do powrotu do rodziny. Tego nikt nie wziál jednak pod uwagé.
5. Wyrok wydano wczoraj 23.01.14 a nikt go nie widzial, nie bylo tlumacza a daty wykonania egzekucji nawet nie potwierdzono. "Moze" w soboté 25.01, moze dzis a moze juz tego samego dnia co wyrok? Jakies informacje I zasady chyba powinny ich obowiázywac? Nie tylko telephony do prawnika I co telefon to inny termin. Kto ma prawo tak sobie decydowac - zabic psa dzis, jutro czy za tydzien? Wyrok powinien chyba byc Uli przekazany na pismie I tam powinien taki termin byc ustalony a nie telefonicznie jak sie komu widzi
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